OMG I’m Back again

Ah yes I am back! and I am up and running as well. I have a whole new layout with amazing navigation that will take you back and forth between my website and my smugmug account. Yes I have a smugmug account and I am very excited about that. It is where I will be hosting all my photography from now on. I am still currently working on pricing for my portfolio however everything you see on that page  is for sale so until I get my shopping cart up and running just contact me for details about pricing for any photo. I do ask that you include the photo number and what gallery it is coming from because simply telling me  “one with nick playing the guitar” is not going to cut it LOL. Please follow me on twitter  as well and I will soon have a link posted to LIKE ME on facebook. That’s right ladies and gents Tara is motivated and she is going to get this ball rolling!


Hey everyone! Finally getting somewhere with the site THANK GOODNESS Just been waiting for a good deal on spacing and I finally just had to bite the bullet! But its custom custom all the way so keep checking back it should be completely finished within the week and the new photo sections should be finished by than as well!
My wedding season with Studio 3 Photography has come to a close so just waiting for for a new opportunity or if Studio 3 Photo wants me I will be resigning my contract with them in February or March. The new opportunity however I am slightly excited about. I really need fingers crossed. Justin Segura (Ground CTRL lead tour photographer) came and looked at my portfolio on the BSB Cruise (did I mention I went on that? yea I did I will do a blog on that in a bit :)) and he really loved my pieces in fact he didnt have any critiques to give me. He took my info so hopefully I will be hearing something from them. so again please keep me in your thoughts I really want this chance! Okay well Im going to go back to editing thank you for your patience in this transition time 😛


This site is officially under reconstruction so I can organize everything better! A place for everything and everything in its place. This is going to include pictures from the Lady Gaga shows as well as NKOTBSB shows I attended this summer. Thought I forgot? Nope just been trying to decide how I want things before I load a CRAP ton of photos and then have to start completely from scratch! Keep an eye out for the changes! Thank you so much for coming to my site!

Super Awesome Super Stoked

So Friday is coming up quick I cannot wait. I am staying at the most awesome hotel I’ve ever seen. It is very contemporary and I cannot wait to run around in my complimentary animal print robe at 4 in the morning. The concert is going to be amazing I already know but I am super excited to see a lot of people I havent seen since august and have a kick ass time with them. God and Kaye is coming I havent seen her in FOREVER! Literally can say forever about her because it is the truth. Front row. First Show. Stoked. I got my hair done at Super Cuts today. Andy did an amazing job. I was in and out of there highlights and hair cut. So Im going to straighten my hair and attempt to pack as well as go to work tonight! The weather is scaring me slightly but I mean it is what it is! Dear gusts of wind… I hate that you make my heart stop! Cut it out Thanks Love me! ANYWAYS need to get Gaga up and finish the site renovation so it is easier to access and finally get ALL of my work on here! Have a great weekend ya’ll!! PEACE